Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Has God Spoken? by Hank Hanegraaff

I received this book for free from Book Sneeze to review. This work read very academic. I felt I was back in seminary but it was a good feeling. The resources and encouragement to study God’s Word and put it into practice was great. I’ve never listened to Hank Hanegraaf on the radio but this work was excellent. Has God Spoken? is the third edition of a trilogy of books dealing with the issue of origins. The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution and Resurrection are the first two volumes. It is in this current volume he breaks it up using the acronym M-A-P-S to demonstrate that the Bible is divine: Manuscript Copies- Archaeologist’s Spade – Prophetic Stars – Scriptural Lights. I appreciate the final challenge of the author to memorize, meditate, and mine the Bible for all its wealth. I would highly recommend this work to serious students of the Bible.

As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur

This is a great Christian work in my eyes to anyone, male or female, on the journey of ministry especially in the local church. The subtitle of this book is accurate, “Answers to Life’s Disappointments.” This edition also includes a thirteen-week companion Bible study which goes along with each chapter. Every Monday morning when you want to throw in the towel and you have that letter of resignation ready to hand in, you read the words of encouragement flowing out of this work from one who has been on the front lines of ministry for years. The realization you have been called to something much greater than what you see in this present situation. I know it is relevant to many others outside of the pastorate but because I’m in full-time pastoral ministry I feel it really Biblically addresses issues I have to deal with on a regular basis. The ups and downs of ministry are seen a means of God refining us to trust Him and not rely on our own abilities and talents. We are disappointed often and too many times take it personally. This work helps put things back into perspective. We are being shaped by our God who uses tragedies, disappointments, and fears to mold us more into His image. What may be a disappointment in our eyes is often a part of God’s ultimate plan for us to depend upon Him more fully. The chapter titles like When you feel you’re a failure; Present failures, Past Regrets; Facing the Stress; and A Call to Courage challenged me to rely upon my faith in the God of the Universe more than ever. This book gives great insight into God’s hand at work in my everyday lives. Are you ready to be refined? It is available for us all but we must be willing participants to endure the pain of this life knowing that on the other side is a joy like none other.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Why Church Leaders Fail

Why Church Leaders Fail: Church leaders fail at the same rate and for the same reasons as business leaders: what does that tell us?